July 2010
. . . It was a rocky start for most vegetable gardens this year.  We had such a cool spring with so much  changeable  weather that the little starter plants had difficulty getting started.  Then they were accosted by hail storms that ruined some of them.  I know that we were scrambling to get a new shipment of little vegetable plants out of harm’s way twice!  We hope that all the vegetable gardens are doing well by now and that you will be able to harvest veggies soon, if you are not already. . . . July is a month of what seems like non-stop watering.  It is also a month for vacations and other summer activities.  If you are leaving on a vacation, and have someone to do the watering for you, it would be a good idea to go over all the necessary things that need to be done.  That person needs to know any quirks in your watering system, and about any plant that needs extra care or that should not be watered daily, etc.  If you have an automated system, you might ask a relative, friend or neighbor to check it out a time or two …