November 2017 Newsletter
The month of October was a bit warm this year and it has taken a while for fall weather to arrive but it feels like it is finally here. Fall is the best time for planting trees and shrubs. Take advantage of the cooler weather and the soon to be a bit wetter ground if you are wanting to plant trees and shrubs. It is the perfect time for planting. Dormant Spray on Fruit Trees This month you will need to be thinking about spraying your first dormant spray on your fruit trees to prevent leaf curl. Use liquid copper and horticultural oil to spray the trees when they are dormant. Looking at the orchard here at the nursery, it looks like about 3 weeks or so and they will need their first spraying. Once the trees have lost their leaves is when you want to do your first application. You will do two more applications after for a total of three. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentines Day are easy dates to remember. But you have to watch the weather and the trees. Sometime they will not have lost all of their leaves by Thanksgiving and if we get a warm …