Bare Root Fruit Tree selection is still very good. Bare Root Season continues through the end of February.

Our bare root fruit trees are in and ready for sale. Selection is still very good. Our list is available here. It’s an excellent time to get your fruit trees in. The selection is still good. We are sold out of multi graft trees and a couple varieties of single variety trees. Bare root roses are also available and the selection is very good. No pruning classes this year due to the current Covid situation. Unfortunately we will not be doing any pruning classes this year. With the current situation we are erring on the side of caution and don’t feel it is a good idea to have the large gatherings that come with the pruning classes. Hopefully next year things are back to normal. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Bare Root Fruit Trees Are In And Ready For Sale

Our bare root fruit trees are in and ready for sale. Shop early for the best selection. Demand is high and supply is tight. What we have is what we have for the season. No re-orders available. If you would like a price list, email me and I can send one to you via email. Our list is also available here. It’s an excellent time to get your fruit trees in. The selection is great right now. We will be close at noon Christmas Eve and closed Christmas Day and New Years Day.

December 2021 Newsletter

Lots of things going on in December. Our bare root roses are due in the week of December 13th. Once they arrive we will get them ready for sale. So hopefully they will be ready to go by the 16th or 17th. The bare root fruit trees will be in late in the month. We will begin working them as soon as they arrive. This usually happens the week before Christmas, but I don’t have that confirmed yet, and hopefully will be ready for sale right after Christmas. I will send out emails as soon as things are in and ready to go. Complete lists of fruit trees and roses are available at the nursery, or request one and I can send it to you via email. If you are wanting bare root fruit trees, don’t delay when they arrive. We will not re-order since availability is going be tight again this year. So when things are gone, they are gone for the year. Last year we were sold out of many varieties by the end of January. Also, we cannot hold any items without payment. You can pre-order from our list and pay, and we will tag them and …

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November 2021 Newsletter

Fall feels like it is here. The nights are nice and cool and the days very comfortable. We’ve had a nice amount of rain already for the season. 10.25″ on the season here at the nursery. The ground is moist. It is the best planting time of all the seasons. I know I sound like a broken record but I can’t emphasize enough that fall is the ideal time for planting trees and shrubs. The diagram above shows very well why. The diagram shows a tree but the same logic applies to shrubs. FALL IS THE BEST TIME FOR PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS. Take advantage of the beautiful weather we are having and do fall planting. Your fall installed plants will do much better next summer than those planted in the spring. Plant wildflower seeds this month as well. Sow them right before a rain and they will take hold and next spring will be beautiful blooms. Dormant Spray on Fruit Trees This month you will need to be thinking about spraying your first dormant spray on your fruit trees to prevent leaf curl. Use liquid copper and horticultural oil or Neem oil with the copper to spray the trees …

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October 2021 Newsletter

We are having some nice fall weather now. Cooling down this week. ‘They’ say above average rainfall is expected for October. Let’s hope that is right and continues. With the cool weather trees will start to show fall color soon. FALL IS THE BEST TIME OF YEAR FOR PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS Our BARE ROOT FRUIT TREE LIST FOR JANUARY 2022 is now available. We have copies available at the nursery or I can email you a list upon request. Fall fertilizing should be done now. If you have not done your fall fertilizing yet you should do it as soon as possible. This fertilizing is important because it gives plants a good boost and also gives them stored food for winter. Next spring they will use that stored food for growth as soon as the weather warms. A balanced fertilizer is good for almost everything in the landscape. Citrus trees would like a citrus fertilizer and this should be the last application for them for the season. Don’t feed them in the winter. Rhododendrons and azaleas should not be fertilized now unless it is with a bloom fertilizer. This will help give more blooms next spring. The same could …

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September 2021 Newsletter & September Specials

The weather will be getting cooler soon. Fall is on the way soon. Long range temperature trend is for low to mid 90’s over the next couple of weeks with the temperature off a degree every day. FALL IS THE BEST TIME FOR PLANTING. We have an excellent selection for fall planting and if we don’t have it in stock we can get it usually within a week. Fall fertilizing should be done this month. Use a balanced fertilizer for most of your trees and shrubs. We carry16-16-16 and 15-15-15 and organic all purpose fertilizer in 6#, 25# and 50# bags. If you have only a few plants, we also have it in 1# boxes. Be sure to fertilize your deciduous plants and perennials before they show signs of dormancy. Give your tomatoes a balanced fertilizer now and you should get more production out of them for another month, maybe longer. With the cooler weather coming, trees and perennials will start to go into dormancy probably in October. Weather depending. Fertilize citrus now, then let them go through the winter without feeding, but do protect them if there is freezing weather in the winter. Use a citrus fertilizer on your …

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August Newsletter 2021

Start planning for your fall planting and maybe even get a jump on that fall planting now. Looks like we will be in for some decent weather for a couple of weeks according to the 14 day forecast. No extreme temperatures are showing.Remember that fall is the best time for planting trees and shrubs. Especially trees. The ground is a bit hard after the summer but if you start a hole and soak it, and then dig a little more and soak it, pretty soon the hole you need for the tree or shrub is done and it is a fairly painless way to dig a hole. It’s worth the effort to get things planted in the fall. Note the diagram describing the advantages of fall planting. Watering and Mulching Continue to water established plants deeply for the balance of the summer and into fall. Deep soaking gives you the healthiest plants that can go through the summer and you will use less water. A drip that runs for longer time but fewer times a week will use less water and give you healthier trees and shrubs. Established plants can frequently get through with a once a week watering when …

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July 2021 Newsletter

ONE GALLON PERENNIALS ON SALE – $5.95 EA. ALL IN FULL BLOOM NOW. ADD COLOR TO YOUR LANDSCAPE. PERENNIALS COME BACK YEAR AFTER YEAR AND BLOOM IN THE SPRING AND SUMMER. ONE GALLON LAVENDER, $7.95 EACH. 5 VARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROM. FIVE GALLON CRAPE MYRTLE MULTI TRUNK BUSH FORM, $19.50 EACH. TUSCARORA, NATCHEZ, DYNAMITE, AND MUSKOGEE. With summer here and longer days, it gives a lot of time for gardening. Do your planting early in the day or in the evening if possible so it is easier on you. Plants will handle the transplant just fine but do make sure you give additional water for the first week or two after planting to make sure it is kept well hydrated. Also be sure to mulch to hold the moisture in the ground. Water the new planting well, and then water in with Superthrive mixed in water. This will eliminate any transplant shock that may occur. Keep the plant moist but not soggy while it is getting it’s root system established. If you are using a timed drip system that runs for very short periods, you will need to supplement with a hose periodically. A slow trickle for an hour or …

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June 2021 Newsletter

June started off HOT but it looks like the next two weeks will be much more seasonable. Next week is mid to upper 80’s for highs and nice cool overnight temperatures. Great time of the year to get out early and do gardening and planting. Water things well and then let them go through the rest of the day. WATERING It’s time to pay close attention to watering. Deep soaking and watering early are the best practices. When watering trees, be sure to give established trees a deep soak once or twice a week depending on temperatures. Newly planted trees should be watered daily for the first week or so then cut back to about two or three times per week. Do not give short daily watering. Give good deep soaks. A good rule to use is to give 10 gallons of water per week for every inch of trunk diameter and be sure to soak to a depth of at least 12 inches. On larger trees you’ll want to soak to a depth of 2 to 3 feet. Use slow drip and let it run long enough to soak deep. Add 3″ of mulch around your trees and shrubs …

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BARE ROOT SEASON CONTINUES UNTIL THE END OF FEBRUARY. UNFORTUNATELY, WE WILL NOT HAVE FRUIT TREE PRUNING CLASSES THIS YEAR. WE ARE OPEN OUR REGULAR HOURS, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9-5, SUNDAY 10-4. Bare root season continues until the end of February. The selection of fruit trees is still good. Don’t wait till the end of the season if you want a good selection to choose from. We are open Monday through Saturday 9-5, Sundays 10-4. Rain or shine. Unfortunately, Due to the current Covid 19 situation and restrictions, we must cancel all fruit tree pruning classes this year. We apologize for the inconvenience. Very Sorry, Jeff