Blueberries $10.00 ea. Bluecrop, Blueray, Misty, O’Neal, Pink Lemonade, South Moon When planting blueberries add soil sulfur or acid fertilizer to create an acidic environment they require. Use 8 oz. for each plant. Soil Sulfur 2.5# bag. $8.59 Use 1 cup of Down To Earth organic acid fertilizer for each plant. A 1 lb. box is $4.49 and will do 2.5 plants. Pomegranates $16.00 – Eversweet, Parfianka, Pink Satin, Wonderful. Figs $19.00 – Black Jack, Black Mission, Brown Turkey, Conodria, Kadota. Gooseberry, Hinnonmaki Red – $12.50 Gooseberry, Pixwell – $12.50 Kiwi, Hardy Issai – $17.00 Hops, Cascade & Centennial – $9.50 Olive, Mission – $16.00 Mulberry, Dwarf Black Fruiting – $17.00 Chester Thornless Blackberry, Olallie Blackberry, Triple Crown Blackberry – $9.50 Heritage Raspberry, Caeoline Red Raspberry, Fall Gold Raspberry – $9.50.