August 2018 Newsletter

August is a good time to start planning for the fall planting and if it is not too warm you can get a jump on the fall planting season. Looks like we will be cooler for a couple of weeks starting next week. Well, cooler than the summer has been so far. Remember that fall is the best time for planting trees and shrubs. Especially trees. I know the ground is hard after the summer but if you start a hole and soak it and then dig a little more and soak it, pretty soon the hole you need for the tree or shrub is done and it is a fairly painless way to dig a hole. Watering and Mulching Continue to water established plants deeply for the balance of the summer and into fall. Check the mulch you added at the beginning of the summer, and if it is getting thin, add more to keep the moisture you are applying in the ground. Fall Planting We have a very large selection of trees and shrubs for fall planting in stock as always. If you want to get a jump start and plant now, just be sure to keep the …

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July 2018 Newsletter

ONE GALLON PERENNIALS ON SALE – $4.95 EA. SEE LIST OF VARIETIES BELOW. ALL IN FULL BLOOM NOW. ADD COLOR TO YOUR LANDSCAPE. PERENNIALS COME BACK YEAR AFTER YEAR AND BLOOM IN THE SPRING AND SUMMER. 20% OFF ALL REMAINING ROSES IN STOCK. This year has been a very nice spring and early summer. Any hot periods have only lasted a couple of days and then it cools back down. Very nice weather for your landscape whether new plantings or established plantings. With summer here and longer days, it gives a lot of time for gardening. I do all my new planting in the summer since I have more time, and we do planting here at the nursery then as well. Do your planting early in the day or in the evening if possible so it is easier on you. Plants will handle the transplant just fine but do make sure you give additional water for the first week or two after planting to make sure it is kept well hydrated. Also be sure to mulch to hold the moisture in the ground. Water the new planting well, and then water in with Superthrive mixed in water. This will eliminate …

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June 2018 Newsletter

June has been very nice so far as well as the rest of this spring. Only a few hot days but mostly cool and nice spring weather. Summer will be here though so it’s good to plan for it with respect to your gardening. WATERING Watering becomes much more important to make sure it is done well as the weather warms up as we are going into the summer. When watering trees, be sure to give established trees a deep soak once or twice a week depending on temperatures. Newly planted trees should be watered daily for the first week or so then cut back to about two or three times per week. Do not give short daily watering. Give good deep soaks. A good rule to use is to give 10 gallons of water per week for every inch of trunk diameter and be sure to soak to a depth of at least 12 inches. On larger trees you’ll want to soak to a depth of 2 to 3 feet. Use slow drip and let it run long enough to soak deep. Add 3″ of mulch around your trees and shrubs to hold the moisture in the ground and …

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May 2018 Newsletter

May 2018 marks 33 years in business for us here at Bald Mountain Nursery. My parents, Richard and Cecilia Rice started the business in 1985. Richard Rice (Dad) passed away in 2005. I joined the business in 1992 and have been fortunate enough to raise my son here and have him grow up around the business. He used to be here all the time as a kid and worked here too. Truly a family business. He’s now off on his own and living in Wisconsin. Mrs. Rice (Mom) is still here regularly but starting to take time away more. She enjoys watering and tending to plants but she is not there for writing up sales. She also enjoys and talking to folks. It’s nice that she still enjoys the business that she and my dad started in 1985. This month has not been hot except for a couple of warm days and a little rain and long range forecasts indicate seasonal temperatures for the rest of the month. We have had a beautiful spring this year. It’s a great time to do some gardening and planting. Check your watering systems and make sure all drippers and sprinklers are working. Don’t …

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Organic Vegetable Gardening Class

Organic Vegetable Gardening Class April 14th and 15th. 10 AM. We will have organic vegetable gardening classes this Saturday and Sunday at 10 AM. We will show you how to prepare your garden beds to grow your vegetables organically, discuss planting techniques, watering, mulching, insect control, and answer any questions you have about vegetable gardening. Classes start at 10 AM and last about 30 minutes. No charge and no need to register for the classes. Just show up. We also have and excellent selection of vegetable starts for planting your vegetable garden. We hope you can make one of them, Jeff

April 2018 Newsletter

After a dry February, March was pretty wet and as I write, we are getting rain that the predictions say will be 2 to 3 inches here. I just checked the rain gauge and it is at 2″ and it’s supposed to rain most of the night and into tomorrow so I guess the predictions are right. The late season moisture is keeping things green and the ground soft and making for excellent gardening weather as soon as the rain stops. My long range forecast for the next 15 days shows one day at 75 degrees and everything else is upper 60’s and low 70’s. Perfect weather for planting and enjoying. Dogwoods are blooming now here at the nursery and lots of color on so much stuff and the flush of new growth on the Japanese Maples makes it so beautiful here. Many things are needing to be done in the landscape during April. Rhododendrons should have the flower trusses that are spent snapped off at the base as soon as they fade. Don’t wait until all the flowers have finished blooming to remove them because the plant will expend energy making seeds that would be better used to add …

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Organic Vegetable Gardening Class Schedule Change

Due to the rain, the Saturday Organic Vegetable Gardening Class is rescheduled for next Saturday the 14th. Class for Sunday the 8th is still on at 10 AM. With the weather forecast for 3″ of rain Friday into Saturday this week we are rescheduling the Organic Vegetable Gardening Classes. Saturday the 7th is cancelled. Sunday the 8th is still on at 10 AM. Saturday the 14th we will have another class at 10 AM and also Sunday the 15th at 10 AM. There is no charge for the class and no need to register or sign up. Just attend the class that fits your schedule. Hope to see you there, Jeff

March 2018 Newsletter

WE ARE EXTENDING BARE ROOT SEASON FOR TWO MORE WEEKS. WE STILL HAVE A REASONABLE SELECTION OF FRUIT TREES AVAILABLE BARE ROOT. DON’T WAIT TILL TOO LATE TO BUY BARE ROOT FRUIT TREES. THE COOLER WEATHER IS KEEPING THEM DORMANT SO WE CAN EXTEND THE SEASON A LITTLE LONGER. ONCE WE POT THEM UP, THE PRICE GOES UP. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE EXTENDED SEASON AND GET BARE ROOT FRUIT TREES NOW. March has started out a bit cool this year. Winter decided to come a bit late. It actually is still winter by the calendar until the 20th which is the first day of spring. Lots of nice rain to start off the month. My rain total for the winter up through the end of February is 15.25″ so far since October here at the nursery. As I write this, we had another 1.5″ overnight last night and more rain coming through Friday at least. Last year at this point we were at 38 inches for the same period. It is now time to get ready to start fertilizing.The rain is going to get the ground good and moist, and with the above average temperatures we had in February, many …

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February 2018 Newsletter

Bare root season continues through February. The selection of bare root fruit trees and roses is still very good. We had 8″ of rain in January with a dry start in February and it is an excellent time to plant bare root fruit trees. At the end of the month we pot up what has not been sold bare root and then the price goes up. Take advantage of bare root prices and selection and get your fruit trees in now. Final Dormant Spraying is Due This Month The third and final dormant spraying to prevent leaf curl is due this month. Don’t delay. Get it done before the trees bloom. I spray all the deciduous trees in the orchard. It not only prevents leaf curl but it also helps to prevent fireblight on pears and apples and greatly reduces the aphid and insect problems on all the trees. The third and final spraying is the most important one. You should have done two applications already and the final one should be done before flowers come out. We sprayed the nursery orchard for the final time last week because some of the apricots were ready to bloom. Don’t put this …

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WE ARE ADDING TWO MORE FREE FRUIT TREE PRUNING CLASSES THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3RD AND 4TH AT 10 AM. I’VE HAD MULTIPLE REQUESTS FOR MORE PRUNING CLASSES, SO THIS WEEKEND WE WILL HOLD TWO MORE. THESE ARE THE FINAL TWO FOR THE SEASON. LEARN HOW TO PRUNE YOUR FRUIT TREES. WE WILL HOLD THE CLASSES IN OUR ORCHARD HERE AT THE NURSERY. NO REGISTRATION NECCESSARY. JUST SHOW UP. FREE COFFEE, TEA, AND HOT CHOCOLATE DURING THE CLASS AND BARE ROOT SEASON. We will also cover rose pruning and dormant spraying and answer any questions you may have. Bare Root season continues through the end of February. Great selection of bare root fruit trees and roses and shade trees. Blueberries, Blackberries, Asparagus, Artichokes, and Strawberries all available now as well and onion starter plants and seed potatoes. And of course our full line of shrubs, trees, and plants.