April 2022 Newsletter
Well, other than a few warm days, April is turning out to be a very nice month weather. As I write this, the forecast for next week at this point is calling for rain on Monday and a chance of rain later in the week. Hopefully “they” are right and it comes to pass. We have a large selection of vegetable starts and more coming on in our greenhouse, plus regular deliveries, so we will have a good selection of vegetables for the planting season. This month is usually a good time to get started with the vegetable garden. Get it prepped if you haven’t done that yet so you can plant your vegetable starts soon. I always use Bio-Live fertilizer and bone meal and kelp meal mixed in the soil before I plant. Bone meal adds calcium to prevent blossom end rot. Kelp meal helps with disease prevention. After you have your plants in, use straw or mulch on the top to help keep the moisture in and keep the weeds down. Many other things are needing to be done in the landscape during April. Rhododendrons should have the flower trusses that are spent snapped off at the base …