June 2021 Newsletter

June started off HOT but it looks like the next two weeks will be much more seasonable. Next week is mid to upper 80’s for highs and nice cool overnight temperatures. Great time of the year to get out early and do gardening and planting. Water things well and then let them go through the rest of the day. WATERING It’s time to pay close attention to watering. Deep soaking and watering early are the best practices. When watering trees, be sure to give established trees a deep soak once or twice a week depending on temperatures. Newly planted trees should be watered daily for the first week or so then cut back to about two or three times per week. Do not give short daily watering. Give good deep soaks. A good rule to use is to give 10 gallons of water per week for every inch of trunk diameter and be sure to soak to a depth of at least 12 inches. On larger trees you’ll want to soak to a depth of 2 to 3 feet. Use slow drip and let it run long enough to soak deep. Add 3″ of mulch around your trees and shrubs …

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AVOCADO TREES ARE NOW IN!! We just received our Avocado Trees. We’ve got 100 in stock to choose from. Bacon – Type B Mexicola Grande – Type A Zutano – Type B Haas – Type A Avocado trees are semi self fruitful. So one tree will give you fruit. If you plant a type A, and a Type B together, you will get larger crops of fruit. Avocados need good drainage for best performance. Amend the soil liberally to give rich well drained soil. All trees are $39.00 each.

April 2021 Newsletter

April started off a little warmer than average but now seems to be running along just like it should temperature wise. Not too cool and not too warm. We now have a large selection of vegetable starts and more coming on in our greenhouse, plus regular deliveries, so we will have a good selection of vegetables for the planting season. This month is usually a good time to get started with the vegetable garden. Get it prepped if you haven’t done that yet so you can plant your vegetable starts soon. I always use Bio-Live fertilizer and bone meal and kelp meal mixed in the soil before I plant. Bone meal adds calcium to prevent blossom end rot. You can also use oyster shell lime. Kelp meal helps with disease prevention. After you have your plants in, use straw or mulch on the top to help keep the moisture in and keep the weeds down. Many other things are needing to be done in the landscape during April. Rhododendrons should have the flower trusses that are spent snapped off at the base as soon as they fade. Don’t wait until all the flowers have finished blooming to remove them because …

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March 2021 Newsletter

After a dry February and dry start to March, it looks like things are starting to change to a bit more wet this weekend and next week. Very good news. Hopefully it will be some good rain which will be welcome for all the bare root fruit trees that were planted in January and February. Be ready to start fertilizing those newly planted fruit trees when they leaf out. It is now time to get ready to start fertilizing soon. As soon as deciduous trees and shrubs have their full set of leaves, you should give them their first fertilizing of the year. A balanced fertilizer works well for most things. Use a rhododendron, camellia, azalea fertilizer for your acid loving plants. Fertilize azaleas and rhododendrons after they are done blooming. Same thing for camellias. Citrus should use a citrus fertilizer. Roses should be leafing out now. If you have not pruned back roses, it is still a good time to do it. If you have any that are really large cause of neglected pruning during prior seasons, prune them down now. Prune roses down to 12 to 24 inches tall with several strong canes left and an open center. …

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February 2021 Newsletter

Bare root season continues through February. The selection of bare root fruit trees and roses is still good. The recent rain has made the ground moist for digging and the weather has turned cool again to keep the trees dormant, so it is an excellent time to plant bare root fruit trees. At the end of the month we pot up what has not been sold bare root and then the price goes up. Take advantage of bare root prices and selection and get your fruit trees in now. Final Dormant Spraying is Due This Month The third and final dormant spraying to prevent leaf curl is due this month. Don’t delay. The final spray should be done before you see color in the flower buds. Usually Valentine’s Day is a good date to use but watch your trees. If buds are swelling before that, get the spray done. Use copper and horticultural oil together in your sprayer. I spray all the deciduous trees in the orchard. It prevents leaf curl and also helps to prevent fireblight on pears and apples, although not completely, and greatly reduces the aphid and insect problems on all the trees. The third and final …

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BARE ROOT SEASON CONTINUES UNTIL THE END OF FEBRUARY. UNFORTUNATELY, WE WILL NOT HAVE FRUIT TREE PRUNING CLASSES THIS YEAR. WE ARE OPEN OUR REGULAR HOURS, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9-5, SUNDAY 10-4. Bare root season continues until the end of February. The selection of fruit trees is still good. Don’t wait till the end of the season if you want a good selection to choose from. We are open Monday through Saturday 9-5, Sundays 10-4. Rain or shine. Unfortunately, Due to the current Covid 19 situation and restrictions, we must cancel all fruit tree pruning classes this year. We apologize for the inconvenience. Very Sorry, Jeff


Due to the current Covid 19 situation and restrictions, we must cancel all fruit tree pruning classes this year. We apologize for the inconvenience. Very Sorry, Jeff

Bald Mountain Nursery, January 2021 Newsletter and Fruit Tree Pruning Class Dates

Bare root season is now in full swing. We have our fruit trees in stock now and are selling briskly. Bare root shade trees will be in within a couple of weeks and a few more miscellaneous fruit trees. Blueberries, cane berries, figs, and pomegranates in pots are in as well. Most standard sized fruit trees and semi-dwarf fruit trees are $26.00. There are exceptions. Complete price lists for bare root fruit trees and bare root shade trees are available at the nursery or via email by request. Bare root season goes now through the end of February. The selection of fruit trees is very large, but don’t wait till the end of the season to shop. Once a variety is sold out, it is gone until next year’s bare root season. At the end of February, the trees that are left, which should be few, are potted up and sold later in the year and the price is higher after we pot them. We also still have our full regular inventory for whatever you might need. Bare root roses are now available as well. We have a large selection of roses to choose from. We sell them bare root …

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Bare Root Fruit Trees Are In.

Our bare root fruit trees are in and ready for sale. Shop early for the best selection. If you would like a price list, email me and I can send one to you via email. Our list is also available for download. It’s an excellent time to get your fruit trees in. The selection is great right now. We will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Bare Root Fruit Trees Heeled In And Ready For Sale Dave Wilson Nursery is the supplier of our quality fruit trees. Open 9-5 Monday Through Saturday, 10-4 Sunday. Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Day. 530-743-4856

2021 Bare Root Roses are in and we are getting them ready for sale

They should all be done by the end of the day Wednesday the 16th. Tree roses will be ready by Friday the 18th. All of the bare root roses are now in and getting ready for sale. $18.00 each for bare root bush or climber roses. If you would rather take it in the pot, they are $23.00. 36″ Tree Roses $48.00 each. 36″ Twofer Tree Roses $52.00 (Two varieties on one tree) 24″ Tree Roses $35.00 each. Bare Root Fruit Trees will be coming soon. I will send an additional email when they are in.