September 2023 Newsletter
The weather is now getting cooler. Fall is on the way. Long range temperature trend is for low 90’s and upper 80’s over the next couple of weeks. FALL IS THE BEST TIME FOR PLANTING.__We have an excellent selection for fall planting and if we don’t have it in stock we can get it usually within a week. Fall fertilizing should be done this month. Use a balanced fertilizer for most of your trees and shrubs. We carry16-16-16 and organic all purpose fertilizer in 6#, 25# and 50# bags. If you have only a few plants, we also have it in 1# boxes. Be sure to fertilize your deciduous plants and perennials before they show signs of dormancy. Give your tomatoes a balanced fertilizer now and you should get more production out of them for another month, maybe longer. With the cooler weather coming, trees and perennials will start to go into dormancy probably in October. Weather depending. Fertilize citrus now, then let them go through the winter without feeding, but do protect them if there is freezing weather in the winter. Use a citrus fertilizer on your citrus trees. Give roses fertilizer now and enjoy some more blooms before …