July 2019 Newsletter
ONE GALLON PERENNIALS ON SALE – $4.95 EA. SEE LIST OF VARIETIES BELOW. ALL IN FULL BLOOM NOW. ADD COLOR TO YOUR LANDSCAPE. PERENNIALS COME BACK YEAR AFTER YEAR AND BLOOM IN THE SPRING AND SUMMER. This year has been a very nice spring and early summer. Any hot periods have only lasted a couple of days and then it cools back down. Very nice weather for your landscape whether new plantings or established plantings. With summer here and longer days, it gives a lot of time for gardening. Do your planting early in the day or in the evening if possible so it is easier on you. Plants will handle the transplant just fine but do make sure you give additional water for the first week or two after planting to make sure it is kept well hydrated. Also be sure to mulch to hold the moisture in the ground. Water the new planting well, and then water in with Superthrive mixed in water. This will eliminate any transplant shock that may occur. Keep the plant moist but not soggy while it is getting it’s root system established. If you are using a timed drip system that runs for …