December 2015 Newsletter, Bare Root Season Starts Soon

El Nino is going to start kicking in over the next couple of weeks from all the weather information I have been reading. And I have been reading a lot of it. We should have a very wet winter this year through March. Planting now is an excellent time to get plants established for next summer. With the forecast moisture, it is a great opportunity for the plants to get a nice healthy deep root system established before spring and summer. Dormant Spraying After the rain and wind, the fruit trees should be losing there leaves. If you have not been able to get the first spraying done you should be able to soon. I know in the orchard here at the nursery, I have not done the first spraying yet. I’ll get it done soon. The trees are bare of leaves so it is time. Get your first spraying done as soon as you can. The second spraying should be around Christmas and then the final spraying around Valentines Day. Spray with copper spray mixed with a dormant oil or Neem oil. The dormant oil will help it cling to the tree. Soak the entire tree including the trunk …

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November Gardening Tips & Upcoming

The fall weather is perfect! Just the past week or so it has gotten a bit cooler and we have had some nice rain. Two inches since September here. The fall colors are really showing now. And it is still an excellent time for fall planting.  Fall fertilizing should have been done by now. If you forgot to do it you can still do it if the plants have not gone dormant yet. If they are already in fall color and starting to lose leaves best to wait until spring. Dormant spraying of fruit trees will be coming up soon. This will be the first of three aplications. Make sure the trees have lost their leaves before spraying. Remember “Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day as dates to remember for the dormant spraying. Make sure to spray all three times to prevent leaf curl. Use copper spray and mix a dormant oil with it. We use copper and horticultural oil from Monterey mixed together with good results. The horticultural oil helps the copper to stick to the tree. It also helps to kill overwintering insects. Be sure to soak the tree all the way down the trunk and all the branches and …

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5 gallon shrubs $9.50 each Mexican Sage Salvia Hot Lips Salvia Purple Rain White Rockrose Tuscan Blue Rosemary One Gallon Lavender $5.50 each Munstead, Provence, Hidcote, Grosso Ornamental Grasses One Gallon $3.50 Five Gallon $9.50 Select 5 gallon Trees $14.50 each Liquidambar, Red Gum Eucalyptus, Lombardy Poplar, Austrian Black Pine, Arizona Cypress, Casuarina, Allepo Pine, Italian Stone Pine Asparagus Fern 1 Gallon $4.50 10% OFF REGULARLY PRICED TREES IN STOCK. Special prices good through 11/1/15 Limited to stock on hand FALL IS THE BEST TIME FOR PLANTING!


5 gallon shrubs $9.50 each Mexican Sage Salvia Hot Lips Salvia Purple Rain White Rockrose Tuscan Blue Rosemary One Gallon Lavender $5.50 each Munstead, Provence, Hidcote, Grosso Ornamental Grasses One Gallon $3.50 Five Gallon $9.50 Select 5 gallon Trees $14.50 Liquidambar Red Gum Eucalyptus Lombardy Poplar Austrian Black Pine Arizona Cypress Casuarina Allepo Pine Italian Stone Pine Asparagus Fern 1 Gallon $4.50 Special prices good through 11/1/15 Limited to stock on hand FALL IS THE BEST TIME FOR PLANTING!  

Gardening tips for October 2015

October ushers in cooler weather, following the more up and down weather in September. Colder nights help the leaves change to all the anticipated fall colors, and the pumpkins to turn orange in time for Halloween. Days become noticeably shorter- fall is definitely in the air. October has the vote of people in the gardening business as being the very best time of the year to plant trees and large shrubs, plus other things. There is a very good, common sense reason for this. We have long, hot summers that warm the soil enough for it to stay warm into early winter. The weather is beginning to cool down so you are not planting into more hot weather, making it easier for the newly planted item to adapt. It is going into its dormant season making the demands on the developing root system for survival much fewer. The deciduous plants take even more strain off the root system by dropping all of their leaves. Roots will continue to grow fairly quickly in the warm soil, slowing down only when the soil becomes cold, and even then will expand slowly. Hopefully rain will come to help keep the plant watered, and …

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Onion Sets, Garlic, and Wildflower Seeds Now In

Onion Sets Red, White, Yellow, and Sweet Onions $3.50 per pkg. Red, White, and Yellow 80 bulbs per pkg. Sweet Onions 60 bulbs per pkg. Plant now for onions in the spring.   Garlic, Elephant Garlic, and Shallots in Bulk Garlic $6.00 per pound. Elephant Garlic – $11.00 per pound. Shallots – $7.00 per pound Plant now for spring harvest.   Wildflower Seeds CA Poppy $8.00 per quarter pound. Covers 250 sq. ft. CA Wildflower Mix $9.15 per quarter pound Covers 500 sq. ft. Lupine $8.00 per quarter pound Covers 125 sq. ft.

September 2015 Newsletter

Fall Planting Season Fall is almost here. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler. We have clouds and a chance of rain as I write this. The official first day of autumn is September 23rd. The weather will be staying cool soon. The mornings are nice and cool. Fall is starting to be felt in the air. Time to get out and do fall planting now or soon. Bare root fruit tree list 2016 Rose List for 2016 Tree list fall 2015 FALL PLANTING SEASON IS HERE! Fall is the best time for planting just about everything, particularly trees and drought tolerant plants. I have attached a Fall Tree list of what is currently in stock. If you are looking for something not on the list we can usually get it within a week or two. But really, nearly everything benefits from fall planting.  Plants that are planted in fall get the cooler weather to get roots established without the stress of the heat and transplant shock and continue to establish roots even after they lose their leaves. They will continue root devlopment with  the fall and winter rains. The roots then are established and the …

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Bald Mountain Nursery Newsletter, June 2015

June is starting off fairly cool this year but it will warm up at some point for sure. Be sure to increase the water for the warmer temperatures. Plants need additional water during spikes in temperature and during the summer. Tune up your drip systems if you haven’t done so yet. Remember that trees in particular like long deep soakings two to three times a week for deep rooting. Mulch around your trees and shrubs and you can easily cut the frequency of watering by half. The mulch holds the moisture in the ground instead of it evaporating.  Daily short watering on your tree will cause surface rooting. Deep soaking ensures deep rooting and the tree will stand the heat of the summer much better. Tomatoes, melons, and cucumbers are also going to do better with deep soaking less frequently than with daily short watering. If you are unsure of the amount of water a tree needs, we have a handout at the nursery which will tell you the amount of water per week needed based on the size of the tree. It is a great resource for those in doubt.  June is the month for your second fertilizing of the …

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April 2015 Newsletter

APRIL SPECIALS Lantana 1 gallon $4.50 each Assorted Geraniums 1 gallon $4.50 Zonal and Ivy Geranium 15 GALLON JAPANESE MAPLES 30% off Regularly $110.00 to $145.00 Sale Price $77.00 to $101.50 Oshio Beni – 15 to 20 feet Arching branches Bloodgood – 12-15 feet Dark red leaves. Tolerates heat well Emperor One – 12-15 feet Dark red leaves. Black bark. Tolerates heat well Crimson Queen – 6 ft. tall and wide Laceleaf All Sale Prices Limited to Stock On Hand. Water Saving Techniques Clinics We will be holding clinics on water saving techniques for your landscape each Saturday this month starting this Saturday April 11th. The clinics will start @10 am. We will discuss mulching, drip irrigation, watering frequencies, time of day watering etc. The focus will be on ways to reduce the water used in your current landscape or any new plantings. We will also discuss drought tolerant/waterwise plants for the landscape. April Gardening Tips Vegetable starts are available now. We are receiving shipments of vegetable starts every week now and will continue to have them through the next month or two. We also have some vegetable and herb starts in the greenhouse that will be coming out soon. …

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One Final Fruit Tree Pruning Clinic– Sunday February 15th, 10am

Mark Your Calendar! No reservation necessary. Just show up. We will demonstrate pruning of peaches, nectarines, plums, pluots, apricots, pears. We will also explain dormant spraying and show how to mulch and use drip irrigation on fruit trees to water deeply and save water at the same time.  The clinic lasts about an hour. Free coffee and hot chocolate.  Bare Root Season Contnues Through February. We sell bare root through the end of February. About 3 weeks left for bare root fruit trees. Don’t wait too long. – Jeff