February 2017 Newsletter

Bare root season continues through February. The selection of bare root fruit trees and roses is still very good. We have had plenty of rain this winter and it is an excellent time to plant bare root fruit trees. If we are holding trees for you that have already been paid for, remember that they must be picked up by the end of February. At the end of the month we pot up what has not been sold bare root and then the price goes up. Take advantage of bare root prices and get your fruit trees in now.
Final Dormant Spraying is Due This Month

Use copper mixed with horticultural oil or Neem oil and spray the entire tree including the trunk.
Use copper mixed with horticultural oil or Neem oil and spray the entire tree including the trunk.

The third and final dormant spraying of your deciduous fruit trees is due this month. With all the rain we are having it is very important you get this done to avoid leaf curl and other possible diseases. You should have done two sprayings already and the final one should be done before flowers come out. We sprayed the nursery orchard for the final time last week because some of the apricots were ready to bloom. If the buds stay closed, we will probably try for one more as added insurance against leaf curl which will likely be a problem this year due to the amount of rain.
It will be time to start fertilizing towards the end of the month or early next month. When the plants come out of dormancy, it is time to start fertilizing. Evergreen plants can be fertilized as soon as the threat of hard freezes is past. So later this month. Use a balanced fertilizer on most plants. Use citrus fertilizer on your citrus. Use rhododendron azalea camellia fertilizer on azaleas and camellias after they are doen blooming. Fertilize three times after bloom each thirty days apart and then no more for the year. Gardenias benefit from monthly fertilizing during the growing season. Use a rose food on roses or a balanced fertilizer on them and do them monthly during the growing and blooming season for consistent blooms. Also when you are spraying the dormant spray on your fruit trees, do your roses as well and then spray througout the season with a fungicide or neem oil to prevent rose diseases.

Weeds are going to start growing in earnest soon. You can spray with weed killer now to kill what is coming up now and mix pre-emergent with the weed killer to stop the weeds from growing back so quickly, I’m gong to try a propane torch on the weeds here at the nursery this year and see how that works. Less chemicals and hopefully less expensive. We’ll see.

We just got some winter vegetables in if you are wanting to put in some fresh ones for the balance of the winter. We will get spring vegetables in some time in late March or early April. I just ordered lots of different kinds of tomato seeds and we will grow different varieties this year like we did a couple years ago. If you are thinking about starting summer vegetables inside from seed, probably want to get them started in a few weeks so they are ready to put out in spring.

Once the sun comes out and stays for a while we will be getting in lots of spring items. Citrus and avocados will be coming in early March. We already have some citrus in but will be getting a larger selection in March.

We will have the final fruit tree pruning clinic this Saturday the 4th at 10 am. Hopefully the rain stays away long enough for the class.

We’ve got plenty of water and easy digging right now so get out around the rain and enjoy some gardening.

We hope to see you soon,

Hours: 9-5 Monday through Saturday, 10-4 Sunday. 530-743-4856

Remember :
Bare Root Season Goes Till the End Of the Month