Bald Mountain Nursery, January 2018 Newsletter and Fruit Tree Pruning Class Dates
Bare root season is now in full swing. We have our fruit trees in stock now and are selling briskly. Bare root shade trees will be in within a couple of weeks and a few more miscellaneous fruit trees. We will also have some bare root lilacs available in a couple of weeks. Bare root berries, and vegetables such as artichokes and asparagus are also available now. Blueberries, figs, and pomegranates in pots are in as well. We have free coffee or hot chocolate or tea during bare root season. Most standard sized fruit trees are $22.00 and most semi-dwarf fruit trees are $25.00. There are exceptions. Complete price lists for bare root fruit trees and bare root shade trees are available at the nursery or via email by request. Bare root season goes now through the end of February. The selection of fruit trees is very large, but don’t wait till the end of the season to shop. Once a variety is sold out, it is gone until next year’s bare root season. At the end of February, the trees that are left, which should be few, are potted up and sold later in the year and the price …