FREE FRUIT TREE PRUNING CLASSES THIS SUNDAY JANUARY 21st AND NEXT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY THE 27TH AND 28TH AT 10 AM EACH DAY. ATTEND ONE OR ATTEND ALL. WE WILL HAVE SOME FREE GIVE AWAY’S FROM THE SUPPLIER OF OUR BARE ROOT FRUIT TREES. LEARN HOW TO PRUNE YOUR FRUIT TREES. WE WILL HOLD THE CLASSES IN OUR ORCHARD HERE AT THE NURSERY. NO REGISTRATION NECCESSARY. JUST SHOW UP. FREE COFFEE, TEA, AND HOT CHOCOLATE DURING THE CLASS AND BARE ROOT SEASON. We will also cover rose pruning and dormant spraying and answer any questions you may have. Bare Root season continues through the end of February. Great selection of bare root fruit trees and roses and shade trees. Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Asparagus, Artichokes, and Strawberries all available now as well and onion starter plants and seed potatoes. And of course our full line of shrubs, trees, and plants. Hours: 9 to 5 Monday through Saturday, 10-4 Sunday. 530-743-4856

Bald Mountain Nursery, January 2018 Newsletter and Fruit Tree Pruning Class Dates

Bare root season is now in full swing. We have our fruit trees in stock now and are selling briskly. Bare root shade trees will be in within a couple of weeks and a few more miscellaneous fruit trees. We will also have some bare root lilacs available in a couple of weeks. Bare root berries, and vegetables such as artichokes and asparagus are also available now. Blueberries, figs, and pomegranates in pots are in as well. We have free coffee or hot chocolate or tea during bare root season. Most standard sized fruit trees are $22.00 and most semi-dwarf fruit trees are $25.00. There are exceptions. Complete price lists for bare root fruit trees and bare root shade trees are available at the nursery or via email by request. Bare root season goes now through the end of February. The selection of fruit trees is very large, but don’t wait till the end of the season to shop. Once a variety is sold out, it is gone until next year’s bare root season. At the end of February, the trees that are left, which should be few, are potted up and sold later in the year and the price …

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Bare Root Fruit Trees Are In

Our bare root fruit trees are all in. We just finished heeling in the standard size today and will be finishing the semi-dwarf tomorrow. Shop early for the best selection. If you would like a price list, email me and I can send one to you via email. It’s an excellent time to get your fruit trees in. The selection is great right now. Open 9-5 Monday Through Saturday, 10-4 Sunday. Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Day.

December 2017 Newsletter

Lots of things going on in December. Our roses are all in and are now selling. The bare root fruit trees will be in next week. I will let you know when the fruit trees are in and ready. Complete lists of fruit trees and roses are available at the nursery, or request one and I can send it to you via email. If you are wanting bare root fruit trees, don’t delay when they arrive. We have already pre- sold lots of fruit trees. We usually don’t re-order unless it is a substantial quantity and depending on availability. So when things are gone, they are likely gone for the year. Also, we cannot hold any items without payment. Dormant Spraying Fruit trees should have lost their leaves by now. Your first dormant spraying should have been done a couple of weeks ago. If you have not done it, you should get your first dormant spraying done. Use copper mixed with horticultural oil or neem oil and spray the entire tree. Spray all of your deciduous fruit trees. Even if leaf curl is not an issue, it will help to prevent other diseases and to kill overwintering insects. Be sure …

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Bare Root Fruit Tree Revised Delivery Date

Bare Root Fruit Trees should be ready for sale on December 21st. They are due in on the 19th and it takes us a couple of days to get them sorted and heeled in and ready to sell. Sorry for the delay. Shipping schedule was changed.

2018 Bare Root Roses ready for sale. 2018 Bare root fruit trees due in later this week

All of the bare root roses are now in and ready for sale. $18.00 each for bare root bush or climber roses. If you would rather take it in the pot, they are $21.00. 36″ Tree Roses $40.00 each. 36″ Twofer Tree Roses $45.00 (Two varieties on one tree) 24″ Tree Roses $29.50 each. Bare Root Fruit Trees are due in later this week. We will be working on getting them sorted and heeled in and ready as soon as they arrive. Please call ahead before coming in for bare root fruit trees to verify that they have been received. I will send an additional email when they are in. Bush Roses $18.00 ea. bare root. $21.00 ea. in pot. 36″ Tree Roses $40.00 ea. 36″ Twofer Tree Roses $45.00 ea. 24″ Tree Roses $29.50 ea.

Blueberries, Gooseberries, Figs, Bare Root Berries, Artichokes, Asparagus, and Rhubarb are now in

Blueberries $11.00 ea. Bluecrop, Blueray, Misty, O’Neal, Pink Lemonade, South Moon, Top Hat When planting blueberries add soil sulfur or acid fertilizer to create an acidic environment they require. Use 8 oz. for each plant. Soil Sulfur 2.5# bag. $8.39 Use 1 cup of Down To Earth organic acid fertilizer for each plant. A 1 lb. box is $3.29 and will do 2.5 plants. Pomegranates $16.00 – Eversweet, Parfianka, Pink Satin, Wonderful. Figs $19.00 – Black Jack, Black Mission, Brown Turkey, Conodria, Kadota. Currants, Hinnonmaki Red – $13.00 Gooseberry, Pixwell – $13.00 Kiwi, Hardy Male & Hardy Red Female – $17.00 Hops, Cascade & Centennial – $11.00 Olive, Mission – $16.00 Mulberry, Dwarf Black Fruiting – $16.00 Chester Thornless Blackberry, Olallie Blackberry, Boysenberry – $6.85 ea. Heritage Raspberry, Canby Red Raspberry, Fall Gold Raspberry – $4.85 ea. Artichokes, Greeen Globe – $4.95 ea. Artichoke, Jerusulem – $1.75 ea. Asparagus – $9.95 per bundle of 10 Rhubarb, Victoria Cherry – $4.00 ea.

Small Business Saturday | November 25

20% OFF ALL IN STOCK PURCHASES ON SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY Come shop on Small Business Saturday and have free coffee and hot chocolate while you shop. And receive 20% off all in stock purchases. Saturday, November 25th 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Bald Mountain Nursery

Dogwoods, Living Christmas Trees and other Oregon stock now in

Dogwoods, Living Christmas Trees, Japanese Maples, Tulip Magnolias, and other Oregon stock arrived today. We have White, Pink, and Cherokee Brave (Dark Rosey Pink) dogwoods in now. Just arrived. In #10 gallon pots. 3-4 ft. are $125, 4-5ft. are $140. We also have a nice selection of Colorado Spruce and Dwarf Alberta Spruce. Also just got in some Peony’s, and Exbury Azaleas (deciduous azalea), Helleborus, Tulip magnolias, some very nice Japanese Maples, and some Rhododendrons, Mugho Pines, and other Oregon Stock. And below is a picture of Chester and Jessie when they were about two months old. Now they are 8. Not plant related but very cute puppies. Great dogs now. Always happy to see everybody. Hours: 9-5 Monday through Saturday, 10-4 Sunday 530-743-4856 We Hope To See You Soon, Jeff

Bare Root Berries and Vegetables are now in.

Olallie Blackberry $6.95 Boysenberry, Regular $6.95 Boysenberry, Thornless $6.95 Red Raspberry, Canby $4.85 Red Raspberry, Heritage $4.85 Fall Gold Raspberry $4.85 Asparagus, U.C. 157 $9.95/bundle of 10 Artichoke, Green Globe $4.95 ea. Artichoke, Jerusalem $1.75 ea. Rhubarb, Victoria Cherry $4.00 ea. Blueberries, Figs, Pomegranates, Dogwoods, Live Christmas Trees should be in next week. I will send out an email when items arrive.