May 2016 Newsletter
May 2016 marks 31 years in business for us. My parents, Richard and Cecilia Rice started the business in 1985. Richard Rice (Dad) passed away in 2005. Mrs. Rice (Mom) is still here almost every day. She is now moving out of the customer service capacity at the nursery. She has had some health issues this past fall which have caused some eyesight issues for her so she will no longer be writing up customer orders. She will be in a capacity of doing some of the maintenance chores around here she enjoys and also enjoys talking to folks. But myself and those who work here will be the ones waiting on customers. I hope all our customers understand and can appreciate mom’s new capacity here at the nursery that she and dad started. May is turning out to be another beautiful spring month. Not hot except for a couple of warm days and a little rain and long range forecats indicate a little more to come. It’s a great time to do some gardening and planting. Check your watering systems and make sure all drippers and sprinklers are working. Don’t want to find out a dripper is not working …