Blueberries, Bare Root Berries, Artichokes, Asparagus, Pomegranates, Figs, and more are now in.
Blueberries $10.00 each Bluecrop, Blueray, Misty, O’Neal, Pink Lemonade, Southmoon All Blueberries are in pots. Bare Root Berries Chester Blackberry $6.50 Olalie Balckberry $6.50 Thornless Boysenberry $6.50 Regular Boysenberry $6.50 Canby Red Raspberry $4.50 Heritage Red Rasberry $4.50 Fall Gold Raspberry $4.50 Black Currant $6.50 Wilder Currant $6.50 Sequoia Strawberry $4.50/bundle of 10 Potted Berries Hinnonmaki Red Gooseberry $12.50 Black Velvet Gooseberry $12.50 Goji Berry $14.50 Pomegranates $15.00 In Pots Eversweet, Parfianka, Pink Satin, Wonderful Figs $17.00 In Pots Black Jack, Black Mission, Brown Turkey, Conodria, Kadota Dwarf Black Mulberry $15.00 In Pots Bare Root Vegetables Asparagus, UC 157 $8.50/bundle of 10 Artichoke, Green Globe $4.95 ea. Rhubarb, Victoria Cherry $4.00 ea. All the above items just arrived in time for fall planting. FALL IS THE BEST TIME FOR PLANTING.