Bare Root Fruit Trees Are In.

Our bare root fruit trees are in and ready for sale. Shop early for the best selection. If you would like a price list, email me and I can send one to you via email. Our list is also available for download. It’s an excellent time to get your fruit trees in. The selection is great right now. We will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Bare Root Fruit Trees Heeled In And Ready For Sale Dave Wilson Nursery is the supplier of our quality fruit trees. Open 9-5 Monday Through Saturday, 10-4 Sunday. Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Day. 530-743-4856

2021 Bare Root Roses are in and we are getting them ready for sale

They should all be done by the end of the day Wednesday the 16th. Tree roses will be ready by Friday the 18th. All of the bare root roses are now in and getting ready for sale. $18.00 each for bare root bush or climber roses. If you would rather take it in the pot, they are $23.00. 36″ Tree Roses $48.00 each. 36″ Twofer Tree Roses $52.00 (Two varieties on one tree) 24″ Tree Roses $35.00 each. Bare Root Fruit Trees will be coming soon. I will send an additional email when they are in.

November 2020 Newsletter

Fall feels like it is here. The nights are nice and cool and the days very comfortable. It is the best planting time of all the seasons. Fall is the ideal time for planting trees and shrubs as you can see in the diagram above. The diagram shows a tree but the same logic applies to shrubs. FALL IS THE BEST TIME FOR PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS. Take advantage of the beautiful weather we are having and get fall planting done now. Your fall installed plants will do much better next summer than those planted in the spring. Plant wildflower seeds this month as well when the rains start coming regularly. Dormant Spray on Fruit Trees This month you will need to be thinking about spraying your first dormant spray on your fruit trees to prevent leaf curl. Use liquid copper and horticultural oil or Neem oil with the copper to spray the trees when they are dormant. Looking at the orchard here at the nursery, it looks like about 3 weeks or so and they will need their first spraying. Once the trees have lost their leaves, is when you want to do your first application. You will do …

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Dogwoods, Rhododendrons & Japanese Maples Have Arrived.

Dogwoods, Japanese Maples, Rhododendrons arrived Friday. We have Pink, and White Dogwoods in now. Just arrived. We also just got in some Tulip magnolias, some very nice Japanese Maples, and nice Rhododendrons. We will receive another shipment in two weeks or so with living Christmas Trees, Cherokee Chief Dogwoods, and more Oregon stock Our bare root fruit tree list is now available as well. If you would like a copy, let me know and I will email one to you. Bare root fruit trees will be in late December. Hours: 9-5 Monday through Saturday, 10-4 Sunday 530-743-4856 We Hope To See You Soon, Jeff

Onion Sets and Garlic Are Now In

Onion Sets: Yellow, Red and White onions – $2.60 / pound, Sweet onions – $4.95 / pound. Garlic – $5.35 / pound Elephant Garlic – $9.25 / pound Shallots – $5.35 / pound All available now for fall planting. Cooler weather ahead. Shorter days, cool mornings. FALL PLANTING SEASON IS HERE. Daffodil, Iris, and Tulip bulbs are in. $5.99/package Our 2021 bare root price list is now available as well. If you would like one, send me an email request. I’ll send on to you. Jeff

August Newsletter 2020

August is a great time to start planning for the fall planting and maybe even get a jump on the fall planting season. Looks like we will be in for some nice weather for a couple of weeks starting this week. Remember that fall is the best time for planting trees and shrubs. Especially trees. The ground is a bit hard after the summer but if you start a hole and soak it, and then dig a little more and soak it, pretty soon the hole you need for the tree or shrub is done and it is a fairly painless way to dig a hole. It’s worth the effort to get things planted in the fall. Note the diagram describing the advantages of fall planting. Watering and Mulching Continue to water established plants deeply for the balance of the summer and into fall. Check the mulch you added at the beginning of the summer, and if it is getting thin, add more to keep the moisture you are applying, in the ground. Late Summer & Fall Planting We have a very large selection of trees and shrubs for fall planting in stock as always. If you want to get …

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July 2020 Newsletter

ONE GALLON PERENNIALS ON SALE – $4.95 EA. ALL IN FULL BLOOM NOW. ADD COLOR TO YOUR LANDSCAPE. PERENNIALS COME BACK YEAR AFTER YEAR AND BLOOM IN THE SPRING AND SUMMER. ONE GALLON LAVENDER, $6.95 EACH. 5 VARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROM. This year has been a very nice spring and early summer. Any hot periods have only lasted a couple of days and then it cools back down. Very nice weather for your landscape whether new plantings or established plantings. With summer here and longer days, it gives a lot of time for gardening. Do your planting early in the day or in the evening if possible so it is easier on you. Plants will handle the transplant just fine but do make sure you give additional water for the first week or two after planting to make sure it is kept well hydrated. Also be sure to mulch to hold the moisture in the ground. Water the new planting well, and then water in with Superthrive mixed in water. This will eliminate any transplant shock that may occur. Keep the plant moist but not soggy while it is getting it’s root system established. If you are using a timed …

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June 2020 Newsletter

June looks like it is starting off very nice except for a couple of warm days (okay they were HOT). The rest of the spring has been nice except for a couple of hot days. Overall it’s been great spring planting weather and looks like the weather will stay nice for the next couple of weeks at least. WATERING Watering becomes much more important to make sure it is done well as the weather warms up. When watering trees, be sure to give established trees a deep soak once or twice a week depending on temperatures. Newly planted trees should be watered daily for the first week or so then cut back to about two or three times per week. Do not give short daily watering. Give good deep soaks. A good rule to use is to give 10 gallons of water per week for every inch of trunk diameter and be sure to soak to a depth of at least 12 inches. On larger trees you’ll want to soak to a depth of 2 to 3 feet. Use slow drip and let it run long enough to soak deep. Add 3″ of mulch around your trees and shrubs to …

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We are open. We are adjusting hours during the current situation.

Effective April 1st, our temporary hours will be, Open Tuesday – Saturday 9-5, Sunday 10-4. Closed Monday. We are an essential business and will remain open. We have vegetable starts available now and restock them weekly and will continue to do so all the way through the spring. Also fully stocked with all our plants. We are disinfecting and cleaning regularly throughout the day. We are asking everyone to maintain 6 feet distance at all times. We are also allowing one customer in the office at a time. We are adjusting our hours temporarily, Open Tuesday through Sunday and closed Monday’s, until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience. Due to reduced staffing levels during the stay at home directives, we need to have one day of the week closed. Thank You for your understanding and your continued support. Jeff Rice


After a dry February and dry start to March, it looks like things are starting to change to a bit more wet at least for the next few days. Very good news. Looks like a good soaking rain for the weekend which will keep the grass green and help with all newly planted and established plants as well. It is now time to get ready to start fertilizing soon. As soon as deciduous trees and shrubs have their full set of leaves, you should give them their first fertilizing of the year. A balanced fertilizer works well for most things. Use a rhododendron, camellia, azalea fertilizer for your acid loving plants. Fertilize azaleas and rhododendrons after they are done blooming. Same thing for camellias. Citrus should use a citrus fertilizer. Seed potatoes are now available. We have Red, Russet, and Kenebec. They sell for $2.50 a pound. If you’ve never grown seed potatoes, they are very easy to do. And the potatoes you get when you grow your own are much better than the ones you buy at the store. To plant them, cut them into pieces with two eyes per piece. Let the pieces you cut dry enough to …

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