August 2013 Newsletter

Vegetable Gardens By now you should be getting vegatables from your garden. Watch for tomato worms. Use caterpillar killer on them or pick them off and kill. Water your garden well about 2 to 3 times a week. Give it a good deep soaking when you water. You may need to fertilize one time this time of year. If you are suffering blossom end rot, add calcium. Harvest regularly to keep your garden producing. Hopefully it looks full now and not like the beginning of the season. Water Water Water With the summer heat comes the need for watering. Remember that it is better for trees in particular to have deep soakings 2 to 3 times a week rather than daily short watering. This will get a deeper root system and produce a tree that can withstand the long hot days much better than one that is watered daily for short periods. If you are seeing stress from the heat such as burned leaf edges, flowers fading quickly, wilting, etc., increase the amount of water you are giving. If you are unable to increase the frequency, we have a product called Soil Moist. You mix it with the soil and …

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July 2013 Newsletter

Gardening tips for July The weather has been pretty darned hot the past week or so. Today as I write this it is very nice. Finally the heat broke. I’m a little late getting this out. Have been out watering two and three times a day here to make sure all the plants look good. And thanks to the hard work of all our people the plants look really nice. The biggest thing to do this month is water. When the weather is hot it is time to step up the watering. Increase time on timers to give plants good deep soakings. Some signs to look for that show not enough water are wilting in the heat that does not recover when the weather cools for the evening. If water is not increased when you see this the next thing will be leaves dropping and flowers dropping before the blooms are spent. The next thing is edges of leaves will turn brown and then die back on branches. If you see any of these signs increase the water to the plant. If a plant is stressed due to lack of water or other reasons, use Superthrive. Mix 1 to 3 …

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June 2013 newsletter

June is starting off fairly warm this year. This weekend is supposed to be pretty warm. Okay it is going to be hot.  Be sure to increase the water for the warmer temperatures. Plants need additional water during spikes in temperature and during the summer. Tune up your drip systems if you haven’t done so yet. Remember that trees in particular like long deep soakings two to three times a week for deep rooting. Daily short watering on your tree will cause surface rooting. Deep soaking ensures deep rooting and the tree will stand the heat of the summer much better. Tomatoes, melons, and cucumbers are also going to do better with deep soaking less frequently than with daily short watering. If you are unsure of the amount of water a tree needs, we have a handout at the nursery which will tell you the amount of water per week needed based on the size of the tree. It is a great resource for those in doubt.   June is the month for your second fertilizing of the year for most items in the landscape. An all purpose fertilizer such as 16-16-16 is good for most things in the landscape. This …

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March 2013 Newsletter

March Gardening Tips Well I am a couple of weeks late getting this out. Sorry for the delay. The nursery has been pretty busy with the beautiful spring weather and I got a little behind. But better late than never right? I don’t think that is a good excuse but anyway here it is. March is the month to get ready for fertilizing the landscape. Almost everything in the landscape should be fertilized soon. As soon as deciduous plants have their full set of leaves and the danger of hard freeze is over fertilizing should be done. For most plants you should use a balanced fertilizer or an all purpose fertilizer. The three numbers will be the same such as 16-16-16 or 5-5-5 for organics. When fertilizing trees and shrubs apply the fertilizer at the drip line and work it into the soil. Make sure the plant is watered well before applying the fertilizer and water the fertilizer in after application. This year we have large bags of balanced organic fertilizer. Dr Earth Life organic fertilizer is available in 25 pound and 40 pound bags. It’s formulation is 5-5-5.  I used this last year on the orchard here at the …

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November 2012 Newsletter

Upcoming at Bald Mountain Nursery: Bare root berries and vegetables arrive in November. Oregon stock will be in later in November which includes Dogwoods & Japanese Maple and living Christmas trees. Also climbing hydrangea, hosta, daphne, and many other items. Bare root roses arrive in December. Lists are available at the nursery or request one and I can send it via email. Bare root fruit trees arrive the first week of January. Complete lists are available at the nursery or request one and I will send it to you via email. If you wish to buy early you can pay and we will tag the trees once they arrive and call you. This way you can get exactly what you want from our list. Sorry there are no special orders on bare root items. Bare root fruit tree planting clinic– sometime in January, date will be announced. Fruit tree pruning clinic. Sometime in January and in February. Dates will be announced. Other clinics you would like to see? Let us know. We’ll see if we can do it. Don’t forget to do your 3 dormant sprayings for leaf curl on fruit trees. The dates to remember are Thanksgiving, Christmas, and …

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October 2012 Newsletter

Well the first few weeks of fall did not really feel like it but after the last few nights it feels like fall. Nice and cool in the mornings and perfect days. This is a great time of year and as we always tell our customers it is the best time to plant. Trees and shrubs get established without the heat but before the cold and are set to put out new growth in the spring with well established roots that will take them through their first summer without the stress from the heat that a plant with a less established root has. Trees are starting to show fall color a little bit now with the cool nights so you can see what color you will be getting when you buy your trees. The selection is good and the colors will be beautiful over the next few weeks. Our Fall Flyer is still in effect. Sale prices good through October 31st. Pick up a copy at the nursery or go to our website and view a copy or request it via email and I can send it to you. Final markdown on roses. $10.00 each for all remaining bush and …

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September 2010

GARDENING TIPS FOR SEPTEMBER September is a transitional month – leaving summer, going into fall.  Though the weather in September is usually still quite warm, even uncomfortably so, subtle changes will be noticed.  It seems darker when the early alarm goes off and shadows become longer earlier in the evening because the sun is setting a bit earlier.  Many plants will hint of the change with diminishing blooms and tired looking foliage.  The first day of fall is September 21st, even though some days will still feel very summer-like. Fall color will begin to show on some deciduous trees before long.  It is time to think about fall planting.  Fall is the best time of the year to plant most things, particularly large plants and trees. We will have about 3-3 ½ months before the soil becomes too cold to encourage much growth.  During that time, anything you plant should be able to develop a fairly good root system to help carry it through cold winter months, provided it is cared for properly.  It will drop its leaves if it is deciduous, then rest  during the cold winter period and, then be ready to greet spring with vigor. Many customers …

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