Blueberries, Bare Root Berries, Artichokes, Asparagus and more are now in.
- Bluecrop, Blueray, Misty, O’Neal, Pink Lemonade, Southmoon
All Blueberries are in pots.
Antique apples, pistachios, and fruiting mulberries and some walnuts have not yet arrived. Will be in soon. The rest of the fruit trees are here and ready for sale. Shop early for the best selection. Once a variety is gone it is gone for the season. Take advantage of the nice break in the weather and get your fruit trees in. Farmers Almanac predicts wet January and February. Bare root fruit tree list for 2015
Dormant Spraying After the rain and wind, the fruit trees should be losing there leaves. If you have not been able to get the first spraying done you should be able to soon. I know in the orchard here at the nursery, I have not done the first spraying yet. I’ll get it done soon. I have to check the status of the leaves. Get your first spraying done as soon as you can. The second spraying should be around Christmas and then the final spraying around Valentines Day. Spray with copper spray mixed with a dormant oil or Neem oil. The dormant oil will help it cling to the tree. Soak the entire tree including the trunk all the way to the ground. Be sure to clean up the leaves under the tree to help prevent fungus problems. Apples and pears are subject to fireblight. Spray them now and also when the newly forming buds show in the spring before the leaves come out. This will help to prevent the disease. I spray all dormant fruit trees in the orchard. It helps to reduce aphid problems on plums and pluots. Oregon Stock Our shipment from Oregon arrived the day …
Dogwoods Living Christmas Trees Birdbaths All arrived on Wednesday 11/26. Now ready for sale. Also arrived: New selection of Hostas and Mugho Pines and Dwarf Alberta Spruce. Nice looking plants. Nice selection of birdbaths.
Blueberries, Bare Root Berries, Artichokes, Asparagus and more are now in.
All Blueberries are in pots.
The fall weather is perfect! Just the past week or so it has gotten a bit cooler and we have had some nice rain. Two and a quarter inches since September here. The fall colors are really showing now. And it is still an excellent time for fall planting. Fall fertilizing should have been done by now. If you forgot to do it you can still do it if the plants have not gone dormant yet. If they are already in fall color and starting to lose leaves best to wait until spring. Dormant spraying of fruit trees will be coming up soon. This will be the first of three aplications. Make sure the trees have lost their leaves before spraying. Remember “Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day as dates to remember for the dormant spraying. Make sure to spray all three times to prevent leaf curl. Use copper spray and mix a dormant oil with it. We use copper and horticultural oil from Monterey mixed together with good results. The horticultural oil helps the copper to stick to the tree. It also helps to kill overwintering insects. Be sure to soak the tree all the way down the trunk and all …
Bare root season begins January 2015. The trees will arrive in mid to late December. Bare root berries will arrive in November. Usually the second week or so. I will send out email notifications as soon as they are in and ready for sale– click here to join the mailing list. Click here to view our bare root fruit tree, berry and vegetable list. Some new items this year: Dwarf Cherries. 8-12 ft. mature height. Parfianka and Pink Satin pomegranate. 6 in 1 Espaliered Cherries. They have been confirmed. Hopefully we get them. Leah Cot Aprium If you are interested in reserving trees, come in and pay and we will tag the trees when they arrive and notify you. We must have payment in advance in order to reserve trees.
We just received a shipment of wind chimes and rhododendrons. Nice size 5 gallon and 2 gallon Rhododendrons. $19.00 for 2’s and $39.00 for 5’s. The latest coupon (click to view)Â is good until 12/15. $20 off $100 or more purchase. Does not apply to special orders. Our Fall sale continues. Click to view the Fall flyer.
FALL FERTILIZINGÂ TIME IS NOW! Do your fall fertilizing now. Plants will use some food now and store the rest through the winter and have a boost in the spring to take off and grow. also will be healthy to go through the winter. We have a complete fertilizer instruction sheet available at the nursery if you need it. THE IMPORTANCE OF FALL PLANTING: PLANT THIS FALL ANDÂ USE LESS WATER Â NEXT YEAR! This planting bed was planted last fall. It contains lantana, Mexican Sage, Butterfly Bush, Salvia, and Gaura. Since we planted it in the fall, this summer we have only watered it once a month. It looks great and is using very little water. 2 to 3 inches of mulch was added when planted. PLANT IN THE FALL AND MULCH AND USE LESS WATER NEXT YEAR. View the fall flyer:Â Bald Mountain Fall 2014. USE THE COUPON WITH THE SALE FLYER AND SAVE $$$$$!
Remember, FALL IS THE BEST TIME FOR PLANTING. THE INVENTORY IS FULL AND LOOKS GREAT. THE WEATHER IS COOLING DOWN. Plant in the fall and use 2″ of mulch around your new plantings and you will only have to water a couple of times a week or less to keep them going. They will establish over the winter and then next spring and summer, they will require much less water to keep them growing nice and healthy compared to plants put in during the spring. Use the mulch and deep soak when you do have to water so they can thrive through the summer with much less frequent waterings. FALL IS THE BEST TIME TO PLANT TO ESTABLISH HEALTHY PLANTS FOR NEXT SPRING AND SUMMER. We also have CA Native plants available for fall planting. Choose from Matilija Poppy, Bush Lupine, Busha Anemone, Toyon, Ceanothus. All are ready for planting this fall. Read the fall flyer here:Â FRUIT TREES FOR FALL PLANTING.
Fall is almost here. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler. It’s been a little warm so far the last week or so but it will be cooling soon. The official first day of autumn is September 22nd. The weather should be cooling down soon. The mornings are nice and cool. Fall is starting to be felt in the air. Time to get out and do fall planting now or soon. Fall is the best time for planting just about everything, particularly trees. Click here for the fall 2014 tree list. This is a list of what is in stock. We can order items that we do not have. Plants that are planted in fall get the cooler weather to get roots established without the stress of the heat and transplant shock and continue to establish roots even after they lose their leaves. They will continue root devlopment with the fall and winter rains. The roots then are established and the tree or shrub is ready to take off and grow next spring and is well established before the heat of the summer and can tolerate the summer heat much better than the same plant put …