December 2010
GARDENING TIPS FOR DECEMBER 2010 There are not a great many chores that are really necessary for the month of December, but there is one that should not be overlooked or “put off until later”, which is a very easy thing to do during this busy season which is often cold and rainy. The deciduous fruit trees are due for the second dormant spraying for the season in late December (Christmas), the last one being due in mid-February (Valentine’s Day). If the November spraying was delayed because the trees had not yet dropped leaves or rain interfered with your schedule, still try to get done as close to the recommended timing as possible. We have already had some very low temperatures in late November and hope that everyone was ready and protected their vulnerable plants. Do keep all plants well watered when freezing weather has been predicted — a wet plant will tolerate the freezing much better than a dry plant. Since water freezes at 32 degrees F., the wet soil will be kept at 32 degrees by a ‘blanket’ of ice, even though the temperature may go lower. Plants can similarly be protected by letting a sprinkler run allowing …