October 2014
FALL FERTILIZINGÂ TIME IS NOW! Do your fall fertilizing now. Plants will use some food now and store the rest through the winter and have a boost in the spring to take off and grow. also will be healthy to go through the winter. We have a complete fertilizer instruction sheet available at the nursery if you need it. THE IMPORTANCE OF FALL PLANTING: PLANT THIS FALL ANDÂ USE LESS WATER Â NEXT YEAR! This planting bed was planted last fall. It contains lantana, Mexican Sage, Butterfly Bush, Salvia, and Gaura. Since we planted it in the fall, this summer we have only watered it once a month. It looks great and is using very little water. 2 to 3 inches of mulch was added when planted. PLANT IN THE FALL AND MULCH AND USE LESS WATER NEXT YEAR. View the fall flyer:Â Bald Mountain Fall 2014. USE THE COUPON WITH THE SALE FLYER AND SAVE $$$$$!