February 2011
The final spraying for leaf curl should be done this week. Don’t delay on getting it done. The warm weather will make the trees begin to bloom. Make sure to get the spraying done before the color of the blooms begin to show. If you have apricots you should use copper spray. If you don’t have apricots you can use either copper or sulfur. Mix neem oil or a dormant oil with it when you spray. It will help the spray to cling to the tree and also help to kill overwintering insects. Pruning of fruit trees and roses and other plants should be done while they are still dormant. That is another task that should be done soon. Minor pruning can be done anytime but if you have some major prunig to do, try to get it done soon. This unseasonably warm weather is going to force plants to break dormancy soon. Fertilizing will be needed when the plants have put on their leaves for the spring. A balanced fertilizer works well for most trees and shrubs. Look for fertilizer with all three numbers the same such as 16/16/16. Some plants need special fertilizer. Azaleas and Rhododendrons like acid …