January 2020 Newsletter, Fruit Tree Pruning Classes

Bare root season is now in full swing. We have our fruit trees in stock now and are selling briskly. Bare root shade trees will be in within a couple of weeks and a few more miscellaneous fruit trees. Blueberries, cane berries, figs, and pomegranates in pots are in as well. Most standard sized fruit trees and semi-dwarf fruit trees are $25.00. There are exceptions. Complete price lists for bare root fruit trees and bare root shade trees are available at the nursery or via email by request. Bare root season goes now through the end of February. The selection of fruit trees is very large, but don’t wait till the end of the season to shop. Once a variety is sold out, it is gone until next year’s bare root season. At the end of February, the trees that are left, which should be few, are potted up and sold later in the year and the price is higher after we pot them. We also still have our full regular inventory for whatever you might need.Bare root roses are now available as well. We have a large selection of roses to choose from. We sell them bare root until …

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Bare Root Roses Have Arrived for 2020

2020 Bare Root Roses are in and ready for sale. We are potting and staking the tree roses as I send this. They are available as well. All of the bare root roses are now in and ready for sale. $18.00 each for bare root bush or climber roses. If you would rather take it in the pot, they are $22.00. 36″ Tree Roses $45.00 each. 36″ Twofer Tree Roses $49.00 (Two varieties on one tree) 24″ Tree Roses $31.50 each. Bare Root Fruit Trees will be coming soon. I will send an additional email when they are in.


THERE IS A SAYING “MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES”. Well, the sun will be shining Friday, so we will be open. And we will be honoring the 20% Small Business Saturday discount on Friday as well as Saturday and Sunday. Blueberries and Cane berries, Figs, Pomegranates, Kiwi, Hops and more arrived on Wednesday. Still good Fall planting time.

Thanksgiving Hours & Dormant Spraying Of Fruit Trees

We will be closed Thursday the 28th and Friday the 29th for Thanksgiving. We will be back Saturday the 30th at 8 am. Time for the first of three dormant spray applications. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentines Day are the three dates to remember for dormant spray applications on your fruit trees, The first application should be done this week or very soon after. As soon as the rain stops and the trees have lost their leaves. Use Liquicop mixed with Horticultural Oil or Neem Oil. Spray the entire tree. Spray all your deciduous fruit trees in your orchard to prevent leaf curl, reduce the chance of fireblight and kill overwintering insects. Healthier trees will be the result next spring. Kind regards, Jeff Rice

November 2019 Newsletter

Fall has been taking a while to get here this year but lately the nights are nice and cool and the days very comfortable. It is the best planting time of the seasons. Fall is the ideal time for planting trees and shrubs as you can see in the diagram above. Take advantage of the beautiful weather we are having and get fall planting done now. Your fall installed plants will do much better next spring and summer than those planted in the spring. This is also the time to plant fall bulbs for spring bloom. Plant wildflower seeds this month as well when the rains start coming regularly. Dormant Spray on Fruit Trees This month you will need to be thinking about spraying your first dormant spray on your fruit trees to prevent leaf curl. Use liquid copper and horticultural oil or Neem oil with the copper to spray the trees when they are dormant. Looking at the orchard here at the nursery, it looks like about 3 weeks or so and they will need their first spraying. Once the trees have lost their leaves, is when you want to do your first application. You will do two more …

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October 2019 Newsletter

We are having some nice fall weather now. We had a bit of rain last weekend and now temperatures in the low to mid 80’s in the forecast. Now is the time for fall planting. FALL IS THE BEST TIME OF YEAR FOR PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS Our FALL SALE FLYER is now out. You can request one via email and I will send it to you or you can pick one up at the nursery. It will be distributed in the Grass Valley area in the newspaper and it will be mailed to Loma Rica/ Browns Valley and surrounding foothill areas. Our BARE ROOT FRUIT TREE LIST FOR JANUARY 2020 is now available. We have copies available at the nursery or I can email you a list upon request. Fall fertilizing should be done now. If you have not done your fall fertilizing yet you should do it as soon as possible. This fertilizing is important because it gives plants a good boost and also gives them stored food for winter. Next spring they will use that stored food for growth as soon as the weather warms. A balanced fertilizer is good for almost everything in the landscape. Citrus …

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September 2019 Newsletter

The weather is getting cooler. The long range forecast is for upper 80’s and low 90’s for the next 15 days except for a few. It is starting to feel like fall. FALL IS THE BEST TIME FOR PLANTING. We have an excellent selection for fall planting and if we don’t have it in stock we can get it usually within a week. Fall fertilizing should be done this month. Use a balanced fertilizer for most of your trees and shrubs. We carry 15-15-15 in 50 pound bags and organic all purpose fertilizer in 6#, 25# and 50# bags. If you have only a few plants, we also have it in 1# boxes. Be sure to fertilize your deciduous plants and perennials before they show signs of dormancy. Give your tomatoes a balanced fertilizer now and you should get more production out of them for another month, maybe longer. With the cooler weather coming, trees and perennials will start to go into dormancy probably later in the month or early October. Weather depending. Fertilize citrus now, then let them go through the winter without feeding but do protect them if there is freezing weather in the winter. Use a citrus …

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August Newsletter

August is a good time to start planning for the fall planting and if it is not too warm you can get a jump on the fall planting season. Looks like we will be in for some nice weather for a couple of weeks starting this week. Nice weather to get a jump on fall planting. Remember that fall is the best time for planting trees and shrubs. Especially trees. I know the ground is hard after the summer but if you start a hole and soak it and then dig a little more and soak it, pretty soon the hole you need for the tree or shrub is done and it is a fairly painless way to dig a hole. Watering and Mulching Continue to water established plants deeply for the balance of the summer and into fall. Check the mulch you added at the beginning of the summer, and if it is getting thin, add more to keep the moisture you are applying in the ground. Late Summer & Fall Planting We have a very large selection of trees and shrubs for fall planting in stock as always. If you want to get a jump start and plant …

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February 2019 Newsletter

Bare root season continues through February. The selection of bare root fruit trees and roses is still very good. The rain this year has been spaced out fairly and the weather has stayed cool to keep the trees dormant so it is an excellent time to plant bare root fruit trees. At the end of the month we pot up what has not been sold bare root and then the price goes up. Take advantage of bare root prices and selection and get your fruit trees in now. Final Dormant Spraying is Due This Month The third and final dormant spraying to prevent leaf curl is due this month. Don’t delay. Get it done before the trees bloom. I spray all the deciduous trees in the orchard. It prevents leaf curl and also helps to prevent fireblight on pears and apples, although not completely, and greatly reduces the aphid and insect problems on all the trees. The third and final spraying is the most important one. You should have done two applications already and the final one should be done before flowers come out. We will be spraying the nursery orchard for the final time this week. In between the …

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December 2018 Newsletter

Lots of things going on in December. Our roses are all in and are now selling. The bare root fruit trees will be in Friday the 21st. We will begin working them as soon as they arrive and will be ready for selling on Saturday the 22nd. Complete lists of fruit trees and roses are available at the nursery, or request one and I can send it to you via email. If you are wanting bare root fruit trees, don’t delay when they arrive. We have already pre- sold lots of fruit trees. We usually don’t re-order unless it is a substantial quantity and depending on availability. So when things are gone, they are likely gone for the year. Also, we cannot hold any items without payment. Dormant Spraying Fruit trees should have lost their leaves by now. Your first dormant spraying should have been done a couple of weeks ago. If you have not done it, you should get your first dormant spraying done. Use copper mixed with horticultural oil or neem oil and spray the entire tree. Spray all of your deciduous fruit trees. Even if leaf curl is not an issue, it will help to prevent other …

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